Criminal Lies
We have seen throughout politics politicians saying things that are not true or that are intended to mislead people. Why do we accept this as a norm? We even listen to people say ‘oh well they all lie don’t they?’ Are we really going to accept that!? I don’t think so.

Brexit and Trump brought in an extreme level of ‘just say whatever you want and someone will believe it’ politics. The reason why it has been allowed to get so bad is not just due to poor critical thinking skills but also no repercussions for simply lying to voters.

You’d think something as serious as misleading or lying to the voters would be illegal… but somehow we are in a position where people have accepted it. Why would any believer in democratic systems and processes accept such a thing?

We could campaign to change it especially if we find enough people who are against lying in politics…

Sign my petition which calls for the introduction of criminal sanctions on MPs who intentionally or recklessly mislead the public with written or unwritten statements.
It is time we had people running the country who are not playing games but just want to run the country well and for the benefit of the people.
Sign the petition if you are against lying to the people