March for Rejoin
March for Rejoin
What are you doing on 10th September?

Visit our Shop for EU Flags and Everything Else you need for the March
March for Rejoin
What are you doing on 10th September?
Visit our Shop for EU Flags and Everything Else you need for the March
Sunday May 9th is Europe day.
Help us celebrate Europe day and our European culture by taking a picture of an EU Flag on Europe Day and entering it into our Blue and Gold Photo competition.
The picture could be of yourself, your family or your friends (please gain their consent) with an EU flag, or of an EU flag in a special or unusual place. It really is up to you as long as the picture is taken in May this year on or before Europe Day i.e. between 1st and 9th May, is not photoshopped and includes an EU flag
Prizes are available for the best picture, for the picture taken in the most special place and for the picture taken in the most unusal place. Runner up prizes will also be awarded.
Prizes include a limited edition A2 sized print of Cathy Kingcome’s painting of Steve Bray, Amazon Vouchers, Pro EU Books, CD’s, Badges and Stickers which have been donated by the following sponsors. Please visit their websites and support them.
Ben Chambers of Sixteen Million Rising has kindly donated a copy of the SMR “You Write the Sings CD” – the track list is shown below
Please visit the Sixteen Million Rising Shop to see Ben’s full range of products
Mike Cashman of ViewDelta Press
Mike’s full product range can be found on Amazon – simply search for “Viewdelta”
Oliver Gray who has his own Website
All photographs submitted by midday on the 11th May will be entered into the competition.
3 finalists will be selected by a panel of judges including Adam Poole of Campaign to Rejoin the EU, Jenna Efkay of Remain Resources and Peter Corr of UK Rejoin the EU.
Winners for each category will then be selected by means of a vote amongst the members of the Campaign to Rejoin the EU Facebook Group and UK Rejoin the EU FaceBook Group. These votes will take place prior to the end of May 2021.
A link to the entry form will be placed here on May 1st – in the meantime click here to go to our Facebook event. If you click going or interested you will get a reminder to enter the competition
Have you signed up for our #IamEuropean campaign aimed at getting people to complete next years census as British European, Irish European, Scottish European, Welsh European, Gibraltarian European or English European?
It offers a unique chance to reaffirm our European identity in the face of the actions of Johnson and Cummings.
You can sign up for it by visiting our Facebook page event and selecting either going or interested. You can also invite your friends. Click here
We have heard from the owners of Patisserie Valerie who have informed us that since the previpus CEO left the company has no political views. Having undertaken some investigation, we are happy with this reassurance.
We are therefore ending this write a review campaign now.
Indeed in light of this you may wish to consider editing or deleting your review
Today sees our Boycott Group’s next ‘write a review’ campaign targeting Patisserie Valerie.
Their CEO publicly backed the Leave Campaign saying that EU regulations were bad for business – which includes regulations that protected workers rights
The aim is to raise awareness among consumers of their support for the Leave campaign and to get them to drop that support.
Please click here and select reviews to leave yours.
Early bird tickets for the UKs 1st Diversity Ball at Chester Cathedral on Friday 22 May 2020 are now on sale.
About the ball
The ball is being held on 4 stages in Chester Cathedral, and is different to the usual concept of a Ball, as it will be inclusive and reach out and welcome all communities of Chester, ethnicity, religion, ability/disability, sexual orientation.
What is happening:
The Diversity Ball will include:
The Diversity fashion show (organised by the University of Chester)
Singing in Sign language by the Dee Sign BSLChoir- (MBE)
Silent auction
Solo acts
And more to be announced later
So what’s next?
One of our key tasks is to preserve and affirm our European Identity as Johnson and co will try and crush it.
Unfortunately for him we have the ideal opportunity in March 2021 to do so – the next census!
Imagine if a quarter of a million, or half a million, or maybe even a million of us put down as our nationality European, or British European, Scottish European, Welsh European, Irish European or English European?
That is what we are going to aim for and that is what the #IAmEuropean campaign is all about.
So please start using the hashtag #IAmEuropean and invite your friends to join in the campaign. We will be releasing 3 badges you can use for this campaign in the morning – one each in English, Welsh and Gaelic for you to use as your profile picture. We also have graphics in many European languages which we will also release. If there so a specific language you want a badge or graphic in that we haven’t got let us know and our design team will produce one.
Let’s be heard! #IAmEuropean
Join like-minded people in Swindon for the annual Swindon for Europe Meeting & Social:
Friday 7th February
Great Western Hotel, opposite Swindon Train Station