Pro Europeans need a reason to vote for Starmer
Earlier this week Starmer said that there was no route back to EU membership and as usual when Starmer opens his mouth on Brexit a lot of heads start nodding. So let me say this yet again.
There is no reason why we cannot campaign to rejoin the EU now. None. There may not be a strong majority with the electorate for rejoining at present but what is the point of campaigning if it is not to change minds?
When Farage started campaigning to leave the EU, was there a majority in favour of quiting – No! Did that stop him? No! He went ahead and changed minds (albeit by lying) – that is what we need to do now (without the lying)!
Starmer is simply chasing the red wall vote instead of leading on the issue of Brexit and that needs to change. WE need to change his mind!
That is what campaigning is all about!
Yes, there will be obstacles that need to be tackled along the way – so let’s identify them and tackle them rather than just giving up and rolling over in defeat and accepting what Starmer says!
I am sick to death of hearing Starmer is right. No he is not right! All he wants to do (understandably) is follow what he feels is the easiest route into number 10. He wants power, simple as that. That is his job as Leader of the Labour Party. But if that involves being pro brexit, then I and many others will never vote for him.
I and many other pro Europeans are not Labour supporters and the pro European movement is not here to get Starmer elected. In fact just 39% of Remain voters in 2016 had voted Labour the year before in the general election.
If Starmer wants our support he must offer us something better than make Brexit work! He must give us a good reason to vote for him. Voting to swap one pro brexit PM whose ideology many of us disagree with for another pro brexit PM whose ideology many of us disagree with offers us nothing!
So my message to Starmer supporters and Labour Party members and supporters is this – if you want the rest of us to vote for Starmer at the next election, campaign and take action within the Labour Party to change his and the Labour Party stance on Brexit and EU membership. Give us a reason to vote for him instead of repeatedly trying to tell us that there is no alternative!