#IAmEuropean – Census Day
So what’s next?
One of our key tasks is to preserve and affirm our European Identity as Johnson and co will try and crush it.
Unfortunately for him we have the ideal opportunity in March 2021 to do so – the next census!
Imagine if a quarter of a million, or half a million, or maybe even a million of us put down as our nationality European, or British European, Scottish European, Welsh European, Irish European or English European?
That is what we are going to aim for and that is what the #IAmEuropean campaign is all about.
So please start using the hashtag #IAmEuropean and invite your friends to join in the campaign. We will be releasing 3 badges you can use for this campaign in the morning – one each in English, Welsh and Gaelic for you to use as your profile picture. We also have graphics in many European languages which we will also release. If there so a specific language you want a badge or graphic in that we haven’t got let us know and our design team will produce one.
Let’s be heard! #IAmEuropean